Percent of workers enrolled in HDHPs, 2012-2021

  1. 2012: 34.3%
  2. 2013: 30.3%
  3. 2014: 35.2%
  4. 2015: 39.4%
  5. 2016: 42.6%
  6. 2017: 48.7%
  7. 2018: 49.1%
  8. 2019: 50.5%
  9. 2020: 52.9%
  10. 2021: 55.7%
Notes: HDHP: High-Deductible Health. Plan Private-sector workers

Source: ValuePenguin, Rate of Workers Enrolled in High-Deductible Health Plans Jumps for 8th Year in Row to Record 55.7%, January 30, 2023 -